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How to Avoid Probate in Indiana

A Guide to Saving Time and Money


Probate: The legal process through which a deceased person’s estate is settled, and while it’s a standard procedure, it can be costly and time-consuming. In Indiana, the average cost of probate ranges between 2% and 4% of the estate’s total value. One significant factor influencing these costs is whether the estate undergoes supervised or unsupervised administration. Supervised administration tends to be more expensive because it involves more court oversight and procedural steps, making the process longer and more complex.

To avoid these expenses and streamline the handling of your estate, consider these strategies to bypass probate in Indiana:

1. Establish a Revocable Living Trust

One of the most effective ways to avoid probate in Indiana is by creating a revocable living trust. In a revocable living trust, you transfer ownership of your assets to the trust, while still retaining control over them during your lifetime.

How It Works:

  • Set Up the Trust: Create a revocable living trust document, naming yourself as the trustee (or appointing another trusted individual) and designating your beneficiaries.
  • Transfer Assets: Transfer ownership of your assets (such as real estate, bank accounts, and investments) into the trust. This process is known as “funding the trust.”
  • Management: As the trustee, you manage the trust’s assets. If you become incapacitated, a successor trustee (whom you’ve named in the trust) can step in without the need for court intervention.
  • Upon Death: The successor trustee distributes the assets to the beneficiaries according to the terms of the trust, bypassing the probate process entirely.


  • Avoids Probate: Assets in the trust are not subject to probate, allowing for quicker and private distribution.
  • Flexibility: You can amend or revoke the trust during your lifetime as your circumstances change.
  • Incapacity Planning: Provides for seamless management of your assets if you become incapacitated.
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2. Joint Ownership with Right of Survivorship

Another simple way to avoid probate in Indiana is to hold property in joint ownership with right of survivorship. When one owner dies, the surviving owner automatically inherits the deceased owner’s share, bypassing probate.

Types of Joint Ownership:

  • Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship: Commonly used for real estate and financial accounts, where ownership automatically passes to the surviving joint tenant(s).
  • Tenancy by the Entirety: A special form of joint ownership available only to married couples, where the property automatically passes to the surviving spouse without going through probate.


  • Automatic Transfer: The deceased owner’s share transfers immediately to the surviving owner without court involvement.
  • Simplicity: Easy to set up by designating the form of ownership when acquiring property or updating title documents.

3. Payable-on-Death (POD) and Transfer-on-Death (TOD) Designations

Payable-on-Death (POD) and Transfer-on-Death (TOD) designations allow you to name beneficiaries who will receive certain assets directly upon your death, thus avoiding probate.

How It Works:

  • POD Designations: Applied to bank accounts, certificates of deposit, and other financial accounts. Upon your death, the assets are transferred directly to the named beneficiary.
  • TOD Designations: Used for securities, brokerage accounts, and real estate. In Indiana, you can use a TOD deed to transfer real estate to a beneficiary outside of probate.


  • Direct Transfer: Assets are transferred directly to the named beneficiaries without the need for probate.
  • Flexibility: You can change the designated beneficiaries at any time.

4. Beneficiary Designations

Certain types of accounts and assets, such as life insurance policies, retirement accounts (like IRAs and 401(k)s), and annuities, allow you to name beneficiaries. Upon your death, these assets are transferred directly to the beneficiaries, avoiding probate.

Steps to Take:

  • Review Current Beneficiaries: Ensure that your beneficiary designations are up-to-date and reflect your current wishes.
  • Update as Necessary: Make changes as needed, such as after major life events like marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child.


  • Avoids Probate: Assets with designated beneficiaries transfer outside of probate.
  • Easy to Manage: Beneficiary designations can typically be updated easily through the financial institution or insurance company.

5. Small Estate Affidavit

For smaller estates, Indiana offers a simplified process called the Small Estate Affidavit, which can be used if the total value of the estate (excluding certain exempt assets) is $50,000 or less.

How It Works:

  • Eligibility: The total value of the estate must not exceed $50,000, and there should be no pending claims or debts that exceed the estate’s value.
  • Affidavit Process: Heirs can use an affidavit to collect the assets without going through full probate. The affidavit must state that the value of the estate qualifies and identify the assets to be collected.
  • Collection of Assets: The affidavit is presented to banks or institutions holding the deceased’s assets to facilitate their release to the heirs.


  • Simplified Process: Provides a quicker and less expensive alternative to full probate.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduces legal and administrative costs associated with probate.

6. Use of Life Estates

Creating a life estate allows you to transfer property to a beneficiary while retaining the right to use and live on the property during your lifetime. Upon your death, the property automatically passes to the beneficiary without going through probate.

How It Works:

  • Life Tenant: You (the grantor) retain a “life estate,” meaning you can use and enjoy the property for the rest of your life.
  • Remainderman: The beneficiary (remainderman) receives the property automatically upon your death, by passing the probate process.
  • Deed Preparation: A special deed (life estate deed) is used to establish this arrangement, detailing the rights of the life tenant and remainderman.


  • Avoids Probate: Property transfers directly to the remainderman without probate.
  • Continued Use: You retain the right to use and occupy the property for life.

7. Gifting Assets

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Transferring assets as gifts during your lifetime is another way to reduce the size of your estate and potentially avoid probate for those assets. However, this strategy must be approached carefully to avoid potential tax implications.


  • Annual Gift Exclusion: You can gift up to $17,000 per person per year (as of 2023) without incurring gift tax.
  • Lifetime Gift Tax Exemption: There is a lifetime exemption limit for larger gifts, which counts against your federal estate tax exemption.
  • Irrevocability: Once you gift an asset, you generally cannot reclaim it.


  • Immediate Transfer: Assets are transferred immediately, reducing the estate size and avoiding probate.
  • Potential Tax Savings: Can help in reducing the overall taxable estate.


Avoiding probate in Indiana can save time, reduce costs, and maintain privacy for your estate and beneficiaries. By leveraging tools such as revocable living trusts, joint ownership, POD/TOD designations, beneficiary designations, small estate affidavits, life estates, and lifetime gifting, you can effectively streamline the transfer of your assets and protect your loved ones from the complexities of probate.

Careful planning and understanding of these strategies are key to achieving your estate planning goals. It’s advisable to consult with a qualified estate planning attorney who can guide you through these options and tailor a plan that best suits your individual circumstances.
By working together, we can create a comprehensive plan that ensures your estate is handled smoothly and efficiently, providing you with the assurance that your loved ones will be well taken care of.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, feel free to reach out. Let’s take the first step in securing your estate’s future today!

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